Societal challenges
Frictionless Data Exchange pilots a demonstrator service for fast and highly scalable exchange of data across repositories storing research datasets, manuscripts and scientific software. This pilot wants to showcase how scholarly communication resources can be effectively, regularly and reliably exchanged across systems, and to apply ResourceSync protocol on real-world use cases. Moreover, the objective is also to show data synchronization across a cross-disciplinary network of repositories and between repositories and global added-value services. Frictionless Data Exchange benchmarked OAI-PMH against ResourceSync in a number of scenarios and according to a number of criteria – for example: enhancing ResourceSync by means of developing of a ResourceSync On-Demand Dump concept and its implementation and adoption in real use cases; supporting OpenAIRE in adopting ResourceSync-based ingestion of scientific papers from publishers.
This pilot wants to showcase how scholarly communication resources can be effectively, regularly and reliably exchanged across systems, and to apply ResourceSync protocol on real-world use cases. Moreover, the objective is also to show data synchronisation across a cross-disciplinary network of repositories and between repositories and global added-value services.
- Showcase how scholarly communication resources can be effectively, regularly and reliably exchanged across systems;
- Apply ResourceSync protocol on real-world use cases;
- Show data synchronisation across a cross-disciplinary network of repositories and between repositories and global added-value services.
Technical challenges
- FINDABILITY & ACCESSIBILITY: increasing resources findability and accessibility on the web;
- INTEROPERABILITY: improving interoperability of scientific repositories;
- REUSABILITY: increase resources reuse in big data analytics tasks involving text and data mining;
- increasing scalability of data exchange among scholarly communication systems.
How EOSC can help and add value
- A clear path to go beyond the current state of the art in information exchange between EOSC data providers and services;
- Scalable client/server implementation of the ResourceSync protocol for easy adoption by data providers;
- Awareness of existing issues and the proposed solution.
- Benchmarking OAI-PMH against ResourceSync in several scenarios and according to some criteria, including:
- Enhancing ResourceSync using developing of a ResourceSync On-Demand Dump concept and its implementation and adoption in real use cases.
- Supporting OpenAIRE in adopting ResourceSync-based ingestion of scientific papers from publishers.
Learn more on the EOSCpilot portal.