Societal challenges
Digital Innovation Hubs are recent virtual structures promoted by the European Commission to give support to SMEs in their digitization process. Considered as one-stop-shops, Digital Innovation Hubs provide access to the latest knowledge, expertise and technology to support industry customers with piloting, testing and experimenting with digital innovations in many domains.
The EOSC DIH has been created to provide and support companies in an easily access to the technologies and services offered in the European Open Science Cloud.
The EOSC DIH combines 4 main pillars to help companies become more competitive using digital technologies:
- Pilot design and co-design: where pilots services or products are designed and/or tested;
- Technical access: HTC, HPC, cloud computing, machine learning, research data, data management services, and several tools and applications;
- Training and support: technical consultancy, business coaching, funding search;
- Visibility: inclusion of company solutions in the EOSC Marketplace and exploiting the EOSC networking and ecosystem opportunities.
The EOSC DIH has been set up to live beyond the life of the EOSC-hub project, gathering the efforts of all the industrial initiatives around EOSC ecosystem, being the main entry point for them.
Contact: business@eosc-dih.eu
Publication: EOSC DIH Success Stories