Integration of toxicology and risk assessment services into the EOSC marketplace

Societal challenges

The “Integration of toxicology and risk assessment services into the EOSC marketplace” project involve the infrastrucutre of

OpenRiskNet. The main challenge is developing an e-infrastructure for safety assessment, including toxicology and especially predictive toxicology, structural biology, bioinformatics, cheminformatics.

The main goal is to assess OpenRiskNet’s services for EOSC integration.

Technical challenges

OpenRiskNet e-infrastructure provides access to research data, algorithms and modelling tools supporting predictive toxicology and risk assessment goals based on new approach methods. Here are available resources and services to a variety of communities requiring risk assessment, including chemicals, cosmetic ingredients, pesticides, food, therapeutic agents and nanomaterials.

How EOSC can help and add valu

This use case was facilitated by the EOSC-hub project via the following services: EGI Cloud Compute, EGI Online Storage, EOSC AAI

Specific steps:

  • Testing of the EOSC services
  • Integration of EOSC AAI and deployment of OpenRiskNet services on EOSC cloud resources
  • Onboard and manage OpenRiskNet services in the EOSC Marketplace