OpenBioMaps data management service for biological sciences and biodiversity conservation

Societal challenges

The OpenBioMaps (OBM) is a free and open-source database framework for scientific and conservation purposes used for data management by nature conservation institutes, biodiversity research and citizen science projects.


EOSC-hub supporting services:

EGI Cloud Compute, EGI Online Storage, INDIGO IM, EGI DataHub, EUDAT B2DROP

Supported research community:

UNIDEB (University of Debrecen)



Technical challenges

There are two main technical challenges for the openbiomaps project: First, to maintain an open and free biological database service, and; Second, to develop biological data handling software applications.

How EOSC can help and add value

This use case was facilitated by the EOSC-hub project via the following services:  EGI Cloud Compute, EGI Online Storage, INDIGO IM, EGI DataHub, EUDAT B2DROP

Specific steps:

–          Integration with the EGI Cloud Compute service, deploy and configure OBM node in test environment.

–          Deploy the application automatically using INDIGO IM.

–          Deploy OBM node to production environment and assess EGI DataHub, B2DROP and B2FIND

–          Test the performance of the use case