While collecting data for the NI4OS-Europe landscape survey, it was possible to observe that a significant number of repositories from the partner countries were not registered with OpenDOAR and other registries and aggregators. The number of those lacking clear repository policies, not providing interoperability or addressing the policies incorrectly, was even greater. To be considered trustworthy, a repository should have a transparent policy, informing users about the roles, responsibilities, rights and procedures aimed at ensuring that deposited data are preserved and disseminated in line with the FAIR principles.
Policies are also required in the process of onboarding platforms and services into NI4OS-Europe, OpenAIRE and EOSC.
To address this challenge NI4OS-Europe developed the Repository Policy Generator (RePol), an opensource
web application that facilitates the process of drafting repository policies. RePol is available on NI4OS- Europe service catalogue, a regional catalogue through which all the project’s services are onboarded to EOSC
You can read the full story on Zenodo here