There is no national policy on open science or open access to scientific publications and research data in place in Croatia.
The document Strategy of education, science and technology (in Croatian) consider open educational materials and open access to scientific information as the strategic orientation for science and education in Croatia in the future. Also, the Croatian Research and Innovation Infrastructures Roadmap mention “promotion of open access to research data, especially data funded from public sources”, and “open access to scientific and research data for all” members of the scientific and research community (researchers, teachers and students) in Croatia.
In 2012 a group of representatives consisting of university faculty and research staff, librarians and students presented the document Croatian Open Access Declaration which has been supported by ministries, HE and research institutions, and many individuals from Croatia and abroad. Croatian OA Declaration invites “the state administration, headed by the ministry responsible for science, as well as scientific and educational institutions, organisations, professional associations, and all the others involved in gathering and publishing scientific information to act decisively and in coordination in order to store all the Croatian scientific information in Open Access form”.
Three institutions have the institutional open access policy in place.