Norway has adopted national guidelines for Open Access and the Norwegian Research Council has established policies for Open Data.
In 2017 the Norwegian government publicly announced national goals and guidelines for Open Access to research publications.
The goal is that all publicly funded research should be made openly available by 2024. To achieve this the Norwegian government has established specific guidelines and measures. For more, please click here.
All Norwegian universities and most research performing university colleges have Open Access policies in place. In general, policies are focused on self-archiving and depositing publications in institutional repositories. For more, please click here.
The main research funder in Norway, The Norwegian Research Council (NRC), established an Open Access policy in 2009, which was updated in 2015. It states that scientific publications based on projects funded by NRC are to be made openly accessible in a repository with an embargo of no more than 6 or 12 months for STM and SSH respectively. In order to stimulate Open Access publishing NRC will cover up to 50% of the costs for institutional APC funds, in a program called STIM-OA. For more, please click here.