National policy
A national open access strategy is under preparation. In 2015 Poland has accepted an initial document that lays a foundation for a future national open access policy. The document, entitled “Directions of the development of open access to research publications and research results in Poland”, recommends a move towards open access to all relevant stakeholders. In March 2018, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MNiSW) published a report on the implementation of open access policy („Raport nt. realizacji polityki otwartego dostêpu do publikacji naukowych w latach 2015-2017”, in Polish only). The document summarized the efforts that had been undertaken in years 2015-2017, identified barriers to open access and provided recommendations for further work.
Institutional policy
An increasing number of academic and research institutions in Poland are developing and implementing open access mandates. In the past year, four institutions adopted open access policies and over 10 institutions began preparations in this direction. Recent developments are highlighted on Poland’s page on the OpenAIRE portal.
Funder policy
The National Science Centre (NCN) was among 11 national research funding organisations that launched the cOAlition S in 2018. In 2019, NCN announced plans to introduce open science policy, as well as the requirement for data management plan (DMP) and published guidelines for applicants to complete the DMP form in the proposal.
In February 2020, members of the Council of the National Science Centre expressed their approval for a new open access policy to publications created as a result of research projects funded entirely or in part from NCN resources. The obligation to ensure open access to published research findings will apply to all projects recommended for funding under calls announced on 16 June 2020.
Institutions involved in EOSC-related projects:
- PCSS – Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center affiliated to the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences;
- Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH
The national participation in EOSC-related projects are listed on EOSC Synergy.>